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A Grandparent Is Born!

A 3-part workshop for new grandparents

What To Expect

Prepare for the role of a lifetime. This 3-week group will give you everything you need to feel confident in your new role. Our experienced mother and grandmother of 12, Roz Garber Toledano, will cover a wide range of topics, including: 1. Supporting your adult children as they become parents 2. Developing a strong and nurturing grandparent-grandchild relationship 3. Understanding the emotional and physical changes in new parents 4. Navigating potential challenges and conflicts with sensitivity 5. Practical tips for creating a safe and welcoming environment for your grandchild 6. Exploring your role as a grandparent in the modern world 7. Sharing wisdom, traditions, and family values Additionally, you will have the opportunity to connect with other grandparents-to-be, share stories, ask questions, and gain valuable insights from a supportive community of individuals who are experiencing similar joys and challenges.

  • 75 US dollars
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